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Fly Fishing Artwork

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Fly fishing artwork is one of the most popular forms of fish art. Fishing pictures are among the most popular types of fly fishing artwork. Photographers capture images of fish at the moment they are landed by fly fishermen. These photos are often spectacular, recording the bright coloration of an excited fish at the water's edge.

Moving back from the angler's catch, the camera's eye sometimes captures unbelievable landscapes. These may include freshwater environments such as mountain gorges, rushing coldwater streams, and quiet pools of woodland creeks.

Outdoor photographers often use underwater photography to capture images of fish. In clear streams salmon, char, grayling, shad or other species are photographed as they make annual spawning migrations. Other fish, such as native trout, char, and arctic grayling may be year round residents of streams and creeks.

The sport of fly fishing and the fish anglers catch with artificial flies are also captured on canvas. Traditional artists often paint fly fishing scenes on site, base their work from photographs or simply apply their imagination when painting fish or fly fishing scenes.

Fly fishing photographs, illustrations and logos are also popular on clothing and collectibles. Most fishermen own several t shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies or other apparel adorned with a favorite fish or fishing logo. Anglers often decorate their trucks, boats or other property with fly-fishing stickers, magnets, and buttons. Fly fishing art is also found on paper media such as calendars, notecards, postcards, posters, and other products.

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